Corporate Classes & Wellbeing Assessments

Pre-Covid data (2019) from health insurer Vitality’s annual Britain’s Healthiest Workplace study, suggested ill-health related absence and presenteeism cost British businesses and the economy an estimated £91.9bn in 2019, an over £10bn increase on 2018. 

A 2021 study by Nuffield Health found that nearly four in five (73 per cent) Britons are failing to meet NHS recommendations on exercise, as a result of successive lockdowns leading to the formation of unhealthy habits. In addition, there’s evidence of a growing mental health crisis, as 41 per cent of Brits say their mental health has become worse in the past year.

Physical and mental health are interlinked, and these days it is expected that each employer has an employee wellbeing programme in place. Yet, a recent US study (2021) revealed that 96% of CEOs believe their companies are doing enough for employee mental health, yet only 69% of employees agree.

Where does your company sit in this?

Lets see how we could work together, starting with a free, no strings attached chat. As an ex-corporate employee, I know both about the pressures of corporate life and the many ways yoga can help not only in improving mental and physical wellbeing, but also as a tool of improving team morale, sense of solidarity and trust.

Click here to book a free informal chat to see how we could work together to improve wellbeing in your organization through yoga.

Be it about stress management through guided meditations and breathwork, chair yoga to improve posture, after work restorative yoga sessions or lunch time dynamic power yoga classes, it is all possible.

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